About a month ago, Jesse Squires published a post titled
Apples to Apples, documenting benchmark results that he
claims show Swift now with a roughly 10x performance advantage over Objective-C.
Although completely bogus,
the post was retweeted by Chris Lattner (who should know better, and was supposedly
mostly interested in highlighting the improvements in the Swift optimizer, rather than
the bogus comparison) and has now been
referenced a number of times as background
knowledge as to the state of Swift. More importantly, though the actual mistake
Jesse makes is pretty basic and not that interesting, it does point to some deeper
misunderstandings about performance and language that I at least do find interesting.
So what's the mistake? Ironically, given the post's title, is that he is comparing
apples to oranges, so to speak. The following table, which shows the time to sort
an array of 10000 numbers 10 times in millisecond, illustrates the problem:
| NSNumber | native integer |
Objective-C | 6.04 | 0.97 |
Swift | 11.92 | 0.8 |
Jesse compared the two versions highlighted, so native Swift integers with Objective-C
NSNumber object wrappers.
All times are for binaries with optimization enabled, the machine was a 13" MBR with
2.9 GHz Intel Core i7 and 8GB of RAM. The integer sort was done using a C integer
array and the system
function. When you compare apples to apples,
Objective-C has a roughly 2x edge with NSNumbers and is around 18% slower for native
integers, at least when using
Why the 18% disadvantage? The qsort()
function is made generically applicable to
different types of arrays using a function pointer parameter for the comparison function
that itself is parametrized using pointers to the elements to be compared. This means
there is a per-comparison overhead of one function call and two pointer dereferences
per comparison. That overhead overwhelms the actual comparison operation, which is
a single machine instruction on most processors.
Swift, on the other hand, appears to produce a version of the sort function that is
specialized to
the integer type, with the comparison function inlined to the generated function
so there is no function call or pointer dereference overhead.
That is very clever and a Good Thing™ for performance. Sort of. The drawback is
that this breaks separate compilation, because the functions actually have to be
combined during the compile/link process every time it is used (I assume there is
caching going on so we only got one per type combination).
Apart from making the compiler/linker slower , possibly significantly so
(like C++ headers, though I presume they use LLVM bitcode to optimize the process),
it also likely bloats the executable, causing cache and memory pressure. So it's
a tradeoff, as usual, and while I think having the ability to specialize at
compile-time is good, not being able to control it is not.
Objective-C doesn't have this ability to automagically adapt a function or method
to parameters, if you want inlining the relationship has to be known at definition
not at point of use. However, if the benefit of inlining is only 21% for the
most primitive type, a machine integer, then it is clear that that the set of
types for which compile-time specialization is beneficial at all is small.
Cocoa of course already provides specialized collection classes for the byte
types, NSData
and NSString
I never quite understood why this wasn't extended to the other primitive types, particularly
integer and float/double. On the other hand, the omission never bothered me much, I
just implemented those classes myself in MPWFoundation. MPWRealArray even has support for DisplayPostscript
binary object sequences, it's that old!
Both MPWRealArray and the corresponding MPWIntArray classes are small and fairly trivial to implement, and once I have them,
using a specialized integer or real array is at least as convenient as using an NSArray
, just a lot faster. They could also be quite a bit smaller than they are, sharing
code either via subclassing or poor-man's generic programming via include files. Once
I have a nice OO interface, I can swap out the implementation for something really quick
like a dual-pivot integer sort I found in Java-land and adapted to C. (It is surprising
just how similar they are at that level). With that sort, the test time drops to 0.56 ms,
so 42% faster than the Swift version and almost twice as fast as the system qsort()
So the takeaway is that if you are using NSNumber objects in performance-sensitive code: stop.
This is always a mistake. The native number types for Objective-C are int
, double
and friends, not NSNumber. After all, how
do you perform arithmetic? Either directly on a primitive or by unboxing the NSNumber
and then performing arithmetic on the primitive and then reboxing. Use primitive scalar
types as much as possible where they make sense.
A second takeaway is that the question "which language is faster" doesn't really make
sense, a more relevant and interesting question is "does this language make it
hard/possible/easy to write fast code". Objective-C lets you write really fast code,
if you want to, because it has the low-level chops and an understandable performance
model. Swift so far can achieve reasonable performance at times, ludicrously bad
at other times (especially with the optimizer turned off, which hardly fazes Objective-C),
with as far as I can tell fairly little predictability or control. Having 10% faster
(or slower) performance for code I don't particularly care about is not worth nearly
as much as the knowledge that I can get the 1-5% of code that I do care about in
shape no matter what. Swift is definitely not there yet, and given the direction
it is taking I am not sure whether it will allow that kind of control, at least in
comprehensible ways.
A third point is something more general about language. The whole argument that
NSNumber and NSArray are "built in" somehow and int is not displays a lack of
understanding of Objective-C that to me seems staggering. Even more so, the
whole idea that you must only use what comes provided with Cocoa and are not
allowed to build your own flies in the face of modern language design, throwing
us back to the times of BASIC (Arthur Luehrmann, in the comments):
I had added graphics primitives to Dartmouth Basic around 1976 and developed an X-Y pen-plotter to carry out graphics commands mixed in with the text being sent to Teletype terminals.
The idea is that is that a language is a bundle of features, or to put it linguistically,
a language is a list of words to be used as is.
Both C and Pascal introduced me to a new notion: that languages are not lists of
words, but means of constructing your own words. For example, C did/does not have
I/O as a language feature. I/O was just another set of functions placed in a
library that you included just like any of your own functions/libraries.
And there were two sets of them, the stdio package and the raw Unix
At around the same time I was introduced to both top-down and bottom-up
programming. Both assume there is a recursive de-composition of the
problem at hand (assuming the problem sufficiently complex to warrant it).
In bottom-up programming, you build up the vocabulary (the procedures and functions) that are necessary to succinctly describe your top-level problem,
and then you describe your program in terms of that vocabulary you created.
In top-down programming, you start at the other end and write your top-level
program in terms of the vocabulary you wish you had to optimally describe
the problem. Then you fill in the blanks.
In both, you define your own language to fit the problem, then you solve the
problem using the language you defined. You would not add plotting commands
to the language, you would either add plotting commands as a library or, if
that were not possible, a way
of adding plotting commands as a library. You would not look at whether plotting
comes with the "standard library" or not. To quote Guy Steele in Growing a Language:
This is the nub of what I want to say. A language design can no longer be a thing. It must be a pattern—a pattern for growth—a pattern for growing the pattern for defining the patterns that programmers can use for their real work and their main goal.
So build your own libraries, your own abstractions. It's easy, fun and useful.
It's the heart of
Domain Driven Design, probably the most productive and effective
software construction technique we as an industry have come up with to date.
See what abstractions you can build easily and which ones are hard. Analyze
the latter and you have started on the road to modern language design.
CORRECTION (June 4th 2015): I misattributed the Dartmouth BASIC quote to Cathy Doser, when
the comment line on the Macintosh folklore entry clearly said Arthur Luehrmann. (Cathy's
comment was a bit earlier).