Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Objective-C is just, like, a leaky abstraction over C

Recently I came across this 10 year old post by Robert Atkins: Objective C is like Jimi Hendrix. It is about reconciling admiration for Objective-C by the "old-timers" with the newcomers' somewhat less enthusiastic response.

His very cogent insight was that Objective-C, like Jimi Hendrix, introduced new concepts that were somewhat revolutionary (""mind blowing") at the time, but are now taken for granted:

So if you'e new to Objective-C and, as I am, struggling to come to terms with the fact that it's one great big leaky abstraction on top of C, put yourself in the shoes of an 80s C programmer and remember you get to use these neat "modern" features in a systems programming language.
As one of the very early, pre-NeXT, adopters of Objective-C, I have a slightly different take: That implicit "despite" is actually very much a "because" for me.

The modern features in Objective-C such as a dynamic messaging, a runtime with introspection and intercession etc. were not new at the time, and they were not really "mind-blowing". LISP and Smalltalk had had them for a long time. But so far having these features had required large, complex runtime environments that were very distant from the rest of the machine, and usually quite isolated from the rest of the machine. Still are, to this day. You don't program your computer with LISP or Smalltalk. Your computer runs a separate LISP or Smalltalk computer that you can then program on its own terms and in its own world. (And attempts to bring machines closer to these languages mostly did not succeed).

Objective-C provided these features with the slimmest of a sliver of an extension to a portable PDP-11 macro assembler.

Now that was mind-blowing!

And it goes beyond that: there actually was, at some point, Objective-Assembler. Objective-C was never intended to be "a language" like Java or Rust. The Objective part of Objective-C is a glue layer, an integration mechanism that can be added to any language. There was Objective-FORTRAN, Objective-Pascal etc. Helge Hess once put it almost perfectly: Objective-C is COM with language support. Or SOM. Or whatever interop mechanism they come up with again (Swift "library evolution", I am looking at you, can we have Objective-Swift?).

So it wasn't just mind-blowing, it also was, is, and remains incredibly useful.

So useful, in fact, that this slimmest sliver of an extension gradually replaced the portable PDP-11 macro assembler it was sitting on top of for most day-to-day use. So much so, that in the Apple developer ecosystem, the much larger C part started to be regarded as a completely separate language that most devs never dared touch.

Of course the fact that this is doable shouldn't be surprising, after all the Objective part is modeled after Smalltalk, and Smalltalk is a complete programming language. But Smalltalk requires a fairly large VM to run, typically coded in C or in Squeak's case, C plus BCPL-encoded-in-Smalltalk that gets automatically translated to C. Objective-C and Objective-Assembler showed that you don't actually need all that, just a tiny messaging function on top of bare machine is not just sufficient, it's also faster, integrates better and is easier to implement. Less is indeed more.

All that doesn't mean that Objective-C isn't an ad-hoc car crash of two languages with overlapping functionality and syntax, and the safety of C's memory model and Smalltalk's type system. That this disaster area works better in practice than most other languages tells you all you need to know about the state of PL design.

A more principled, if irreverent, exploration of the same approach can be found in Ian Piumarta's COLA (COmbined Lambda Architecture). He basically discovered the same principles, and came up with something that's even cooler, though at this point less practical.

My favorite bit (it's a tight field) is how he manages to build a message-dispatcher that is itself invoked by message-send. How does he resolve the infinite recursion inherent in the self-referential definition? By pre-populating a single cache.

Ian is also a really great speaker:

Alas this video of his Stanford EE380 talk is only 240p, so the text is illegible, but fortunately there are slides that you can follow along.

In Objective-S, the procedural/OO part is really based on just that sliver of an extension. The C part is removed (yes, a real "Objective-C without the C"), replaced by a few type declarations for indicating primitive types, special stores for raw memory access when needed and a generalization of message-sending that subsumes calling C functions.

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

DAPLs: Domain Agnostic Programming Languages

Every once in a while, you get an insight that hits you like a truck. Or maybe a ton of bricks. Or a truck carrying a ton of bricks. Developing Objective-S has delivered a bunch of these, but one of the biggest was that our General Purpose Programming Languages are nothing of the sort. They are Domain Specific Languages for the domain of algorithms. See also: ALGOL. To move forward, programming languages will have to support more than just this one architectural style.

Alas, communicating this insight has been...challenging. One method was branding Objective-S as "the first general purpose programming language". This did not always go over well.

It looks interesting. But stuff like this:
> Objective-S is the first general purpose programming language
Those kind of statements annoy me to be honest. Is it really true? Or is it over-the-top marketing hype? For me – and I'm sure I'm not the only person who feels this way – it creates a negative first impression.
skissane on May 9, 2021 on: Objective-S: architecture-oriented language based ...

Of course, there is no such thing as bad publicity, but this had a bit too much of a lunatic-fringe vibe, no matter how correct the insight, and no matter how ill-fitting the moniker "general purpose language" really is for our call/return-oriented algorithm-DSLs.

As Richard Feynman once put it, "One of the miseries of life is that everyone names everything a litte bit wrong, and so it makes everything a little harder to understand in the world than it would be if it were named differently". Calling our algorithm-DSLs "general purpose" implies that we have solved the problem of generality, when we have not, and that the only real alternative is to be more specific, hence DSLs. But DSLs also don't really work that well, because the successful ones almost invariable grow non-domain-specific features, just in a haphazard way. Or they need to be combined to cover different fields, so we get language workbenches that allow us to define lots of little DSLs and combine them.

This all points to the fact that our problem is not being too general, but too specific. Our algorithm-DSLs just aren't very good at covering a lot of the problems programmers have to solve, though of course they are Turing-complete and can get us there, somehow.

Riffing off those ideas, and leaving aside the minefield of incorrect but entrenched terminology, I propose the term Domain Agnostic Programming Language. Because any sufficiently powerful DSL can be bent out of shape sufficiently for any purpose, just like our algorithm-DSLs can. They just aren't a good fit. And so Objective-S is not the first general purpose language, it is the first, and almost certainly the worst, DAPL. And hopefully its programming environment will be dapper.

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Mojo is a much better "Objective-C without the C" than Swift ever was

One of the primary things that people don't understand about Objective-C is that it is a solution of the two language problem, or more precisely a generalisation of the two language problem to the scripted component pattern.

The scripted component pattern itself is a (common) solution to the problem, first identified in the 70s that programming-in-the-large is not the same as programming-in-the-small, that module implementation languages are not necessarily suitable as module interconnection languages.

And so we have all sorts of flexible connection languages, often interpreted (aka glue, scripting, and orchestration languages), starting with the Unix shell, in addition to fast, compiled component languages such as C, C++ and Rust, and a system will usually incorporate at least one of each kind.

But then you run into the two language problem: you have to deal with these two distinct languages, with how they integrate, and with the boundaries of the integration often not matching up very well with the boundaries of the problem you're trying to solve.

Objective-C solved the two language problem by just jamming the two languages into one: Smalltalk for the scripting/integration and C for the component language. Interoperability is smooth and at the statement level, thougha there is some friction due to overlaps caused by integrating two existing languages that were not designed to be integrated.

Mojo essentially uses the Objective-C approach of jamming the two languages into one. Except it doesn't repeat Objective-C's mistake of using the component language as the base (which, inexplicably, Swift didn't just repeat, but actually doubled down on by largely deprecating objects). The reason this is a mistake is that it turns out that the connection language is actually the more general one, the component language is a specialisation of the connection language.

With this realisation, Mojo's approach of making the connection language the base language make sense. In addition, the fact that the component language is a specialisation also means that you don't actually need to jam a full second language into your base, a few syntactic markers to to indicate the specialisations are sufficient.

This is pretty much exactly stage 2 of the 4 stages of Objective-S, so I think they are using exactly the right approach for this. Except of course for the use of Python as the base instead of Smalltalk, which is a pragmatic choice given what they are trying to accomplish, but means your connection language is unduly limited.

Objective-S has the same basic structure, but with a much more capable connection language as the base.

Monday, May 8, 2023

Setting up Hetzner ARM instances with and for Objective-S

The recent introduction of reasonably-priced ARM64 VPS instances by Hetzner was accompanied by a big smile and sigh of relief on my part, as I had previously made the decision to prioritize ARM with Objective-S, for example the native-compiler is currently ARM64-only, but the simple and low-cost VPS providers like Digital Ocean were sticking to x86 exclusively.

Although it is possible to operate in a mixed ARM/x86 environment, the added complexity is not something I want as a default, which is why I also switched the hosting of the Objective-S site from DO to the Oracle cloud (on their "free forever" tier), as it was the only way to host on ARM without incurring monthly charges upwards of $40. With a number of alternatives spanning the spectrum, I now felt it

I've long had a strong hunch that there is both room and a strong need for something between the "we'll just hack together a few simple shell scripts" of the (very good!) Deployment from Scratch and the aircraft carrier that is Kubernetes.

With the external pieces finally in place, it's time to follow that hunch, and what better way than to control the Hetzner server API using Objective-S?

Talking to the API

Perusing the documentation, we see that the base URL for talking to the API is https://api.hetzner.cloud/v1/. So let's set up an API scheme handler for talking to the Hetzner API, and also set up the authentication header and indicate that we will be using JSON:

scheme:https setHeaders: #{ 
    #Content-Type: 'application/json'
    #Authorization: "Bearer {keychain:password/hetzner-api/metaobject}",
scheme:api := ref:https://api.hetzner.cloud/v1 asScheme.

It's not a lot of code, but there is quite a bit going on: first, the token is stored in the macOS keychain, accessed via keychain:password/hetzner-api/metaobject. This is interpolated into the Bearer string inside a dictionary literal. The api: scheme is now available for talking to the Hetzner API, so for example api:servers will be sent as https://api.hetzner.cloud/v1/servers.

That setup now allows us to define a simple class that allows us to interact with the API:

class HetznerCloud {
   var api.
   -schemeNames { [ 'api' ]. }
   -images {
   -types {

It currently has two user-facing methods: -images, which lists the kinds of images that are available and -types, which lists the server types. The method bodies may appear to be a little short, but that really is all that's needed. The -schameNames method makes the api: scheme handler available within method bodies of this class.

Below is an excerpt of an interactive st-shell session first asking the API for image types and then for server types:

] cloud images
{ "images" = ( { "id" = 3;
"description" = "CentOS 7";
"created_from" = ;
"bound_to" = ;
"rapid_deploy" = true;
"deprecated" = ;
"os_flavor" = "centos";
"type" = "system";
"protection" = { "delete" = false;
} ;
"image_size" = ;
"labels" = { } ;
"deleted" = ;
"architecture" = "x86";
"created" = "2018-01-15T11:34:45+00:00";
"os_version" = "7";
"disk_size" = 5;
"status" = "available";
] cloud types
{ "memory" = 4;
"prices" = ( { "price_monthly" = { "net" = "3.2900000000";
"gross" = "3.9151000000000000";
} ;
} ;
} ) ;
"storage_type" = "local";
"id" = 45;
"cpu_type" = "shared";
"disk" = 40;
"deprecated" = ;
"architecture" = "arm";
"description" = "CAX11";
"name" = "cax11";
"cores" = 2;

The "CAX11" instance type is the entry-level ARM64 instance that we want to use.

Creating a server

Creating a VPS is accomplished by POSTing a dictionary describing the desired properties of the server to the servers endpoint:
extension HetznerCloud {
   -baseDefinition {
	    #location: 'fsn1',
	    #public_net: #{
                #enable_ipv4: true,
                #enable_ipv6: false,
   -armServerDefinition {
           #name:  'objst-2',
           #image: '103908070',
           #ssh_keys: ['marcel@naraht.local' ],
           #server_type: 'cax11',
	} , self baseDefinition.
   -create {
	  ref:api:servers post: self armServerDefinition  asJSON.

The -create sends the post: message directly to the reference of the endpoint.

Interacting with servers

Once we have a server, we probably want to interact with it in some way, at the very least to be able to delete it again. Although we could do this using methods of the cloud API taking an extra server_id parameter, it is nicer to create a separate server abstraction that lets us interact with the server and encapsulates the necessary information.

The HetznerHost is initialized with a server response from which it uses the ip address and the server id, the latter to define a server: scheme handler. The fact that it's a subclass of MPWRemoteHost will become relevant later.

class HetznerHost : MPWRemoteHost {
   var hostDict.
   var id.
   var server.

   +withDictionary:theServer {
	self alloc initWithDictionary:theServer.
   -initWithDictionary:theServer {
       self := super initWithName:(theServer at:'public_net' | at:'ipv4' | at:'ip') user:'root'.
       self setHostDict:theServer.
       self setId: theServer['id'].
       self setServer: ref:api:/servers/{this:id} asScheme.

     -schemeNames { ['server']. }
     -status { this:hostDict at:'status'. }
     -delete {
         ref:server:/ delete.


The DELETE is handled similarly to the POST above, by sending a delete message to the root reference of the server: scheme.

We get server instances with a GET from the API's servers endpoint, the same one we POSTed to create the server. The collect HOM makes it straightforward to map from the dictionaries returned by the APU to actual server objects:

extension HetznerCloud {
   -servers {
	HetznerHost collect withDictionary: (api:servers at:'servers') each.

At this point, you're probably thinking that having a class representing servers, with its own scheme-handler to boot, is a bit of overkill if all we are going to do is send a DELETE. And you'd be right, so here are some of the other capabilities:
extension HetznerHost {
     -actions { api:servers/{this:id}/actions value.  }
     -liveStatus { server:status. }
     -refresh {
         self setHostDict: (server:/ value at:'server').
     -shutdown {
         ref:server:actions/shutdown post:#{}.
     -start {
         ref:server:actions/poweron post:#{}.
     -reinstall:osName {
         ref:server:actions/rebuild post: #{ #image: osName }.
     -reinstall {
         self reinstall:'ubuntu-20.04'.

With this, we have complete lifecycle control over the server, with a surprisingly small amount of surprisingly straightforward code, thanks to Objective-S abstractions such as Polymorphic Identifiers, Storage Combinators and Higher Order Messaging.

What's more, this control is available both immediately in script form, as well as for reuse in other applications as objects.

Installing Objective-S

Now that we can create, start, stop and destroy virtual servers, it would be nice to actually do something with them. For example: run Objective-S and Objective-S-based web-servers.

This is where the MPWRemoteHost comes in. This is what it says on the tin: a representation of a remote host, very rudimentary for now. One of the few things it knows how to do is set up an ssh connection to that remote host to execute commands and transfer files via SFTP. The latter is surfaced as a store, so you can create files on a remote host as easily as assigning to a local variable:

dest:hello.txt := 'Hello world!'.

Copying files is similar:
dest:hello.txt := file:hello.txt.

The script copies a tar archive containing both GNUstep and the Objective-S libraries, which it then untars into the '/usr' directory of the target machine. In addition it transfers the interactive Objective-S shell st, the runsite command that serves ".sited" bundles via HTTP, and a .bashrc that sets up some needed environment variables.
extension MPWHost { 
 -installObjS {
	scheme:dest := self store.
	filenames := [ 'ObjS-GNUstep-installed.tgz', 'st', '.bashrc', 'runsite' ].
	filenames do: { :filename | 
	     dest:{filename} := file:{filename}.
	self run:'chmod a+x st runsite';
	     run:'cd /usr ; tar zxf ~/ObjS-GNUstep-installed.tgz';
	     run:'mv st /usr/local/bin';
	     run:'mv runsite /usr/local/bin'.
host := MPWHost host:hostip user:'root'.
host installObjS.

As this is an extension to MPWHost, which is the superclass of the MPWRemoteHost we used as the base for our HetznerHost, the server objects we use have the ability to install Objective-S on them. Neat.

And so do the server objects for the very similar script controlling DO droplets.


When I started out on this little excursion, my goal was not to demonstrate anything about Objective-S, I only needed to be able to use these cloud systems, and my hunch was that Objective-S would be good for the task.

It turned out even better than my hunch had suggested: the various features and characteristics of Objective-S, such as Polymorphic Identifiers, first class references, nested scheme handlers, and Higher Order Messaging, really work together quite seamlessly to allow interaction with both a REST API and with a remote host to be expressed compactly and naturally. In addition, it manages to naturally bridge the gap between ad-hoc scripting and proper modelling, remaining hackable without creating a mess.

It's working...

Friday, January 13, 2023

Setting the Bozo Bit on Apple

The other day I was fighting once again with Apple Music. Not the service, the app. What I wanted to do was simple: I have some practice recordings for my choir and voice lessons that I want on my iPhone and Apple Watch. How hard could it be?

Apple: hold my beer.

These are sent via WhatsApp so the audio recordings are mp4 files, which for some bizarre reason won't open in Music and instead open in QuickTime Player, despite definitely being audio files.

OK, not a biggie, so export to m4a from QT Player. Transfer to the machine that has my audio library. Create a new playlist, transfer some previous songs over, then try to drop the new m4a's onto the open playlist. No go. Play around for a while, figure out that the entity that accepts the drops is the TableView, not the surrounding view. So you can't drop the new files into the empty space below the songs, you have to drop them onto the existing songs.

Who programmed this? Who didn't pay attention to this when doing QA? Who approved it for release? iTunes used to be if not the, then certainly a flagship app for Apple.

OK, plug in the iPhone, as for some reason wireless transfers don't seem to be overly reliable.

No Finder, I don't want to back...too late. Ok, do your backup. Waiting. Spinner. Waiting. Repeat. After a while it says it's finished. Unplug and ... the songs are not there.

I quit Music.app, relaunch it, and lo-and-behold, the songs are now no longer in the playlist in Music.app either. Re-add them, carefully aiming for the table, sync again (hey, it remembered we just did a backup and doesn't try again, kudos!), and now they show up.

Whew! Only took 15 minutes or so, the last time I was futzing with it for over an hour and the songs never synced. Or one did and two did not, which is obviously Much Better.

How can such basic functionality be this incredibly broken? And of course this is just one tiny example, there are legions others, as many others have reported.

With this, I noticed that I hadn't actually expected better. I knew it should be better but I hadn't expected Apple to actually make it work.

In other words, I had set the Bozo Bit on Apple. By default, when Apple does something new these days, I fully and quietly expect it to be broken. And I am surprised when they actually get something right, like Apple Silicon. And it wasn't an angry reaction to anything, in fact, it wasn't even much of conscious decision, more a gradual erosion of expectations.

It Just Doesn't Work™.

And that's sad.

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Native-GUI distributed system in a tweet

If I've been a bit quiet recently it's not due to lack of progress, but rather the very opposite: so much progress in Objective-S land hat my head is spinning and I am having a hard time both processing it all and seeing where it goes.

But sometimes you need to pause, reflect, and show your work, in whatever intermediate state it currently is. So without further ado, here is the distributed system, with GUI, in a tweet:

It pops up a window with a text field, and stores whatever the user enters in an S3 bucket. It continues to do this until the user closes the window, at which point the program exits.

Of course, it's not much of a distributed system, particularly because it doesn't actually include the code for the S3 simulator.

Anyway, despite fitting in a tweet, the Objective-S script is actually not code golf, although it may appear as such to someone not familiar with Objective-S.

Instead, it is a straightforward definition and composition of the elements required:

  1. A storage combinator for interacting with data in S3.
  2. A text field inside a window, defined as object literals.
  3. A connection between the text field and a specific S3 bucket.
That's it, and it is no coincidence that the structure of the system maps directly onto the structure of the code. Let's look at the parts in detail.

S3 via Storage Combinator

The first line of the script sets up an S3 scheme handler so we can interact with the S3 buckets almost as if they were local variables. For example the following assignment statement stores the text 'Hello World!' in the "msg.txt" file of "bucket1":

   s3:bucket1/msg.txt ← 'Hello World!'
Retrieving it works similarly:

   stdout println: s3:bucket1/msg.txt
The URL of our S3 simulator is http://defiant.local:2345/, so running on host defiant in the local network, addressed by Bonjour and listening on port 2345. As Objective-S supports Polymorphic Identifiers (pdf), this URL is a directly evaluable identifier in the language. Alas, that directness poses a problem, because writing down an identifier in most programming languages yields the value of the variable the identifier identifies, and Objective-S is no exception. In the case of http://defiant.local:2345/, that value is the directory listing of the root of the S3 server, encoded as the following XML response:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ListAllMyBucketsResult xmlns="http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/">
That's not really what we want, we want to refer to the URL itself. The ref: allows us to do this by preventing evaluation and thus returning the reference itself, very similar to the & operator that creates pointers in C.

Except that an Objective-S reference (or more precisely, a binding) is much richer than a C pointer. One of its many capabilities is that it can be turned into a store by sending it the -asScheme message. This new store uses the reference it was created from as its base URL, all the references it receives are evaluated relative to this base reference.

The upshot is that with the s3: scheme handler defined and installed as described, the expression s3:bucket1/msg.txt evaluates to http://defiant.local:2345/bucket1/msg.txt.

This way of defining shorthands has proven extremely useful for making complex references usable and modular, and is an extremely common pattern in Objective-S code.

Declarative GUI with object literals

Next, we need to define the GUI: a window with a text field. With object literals, this is pretty trivial. Object literals are similar to dictionary literals, except that you get to define the class of the instance defined by the key/value pairs, instead of it always being a dictionary.

For example, the following literal defines a text field with certain dimensions and assigns it to the text local variable:

   text ← #NSTextField{ #stringValue:'',#frame:(10@45 extent:180@24) }.
And a window that contains the text field we just defined:
   window ← #NSWindow{ #frame:(300@300 extent:200@105),#title:'S3', #views:#[text]}.
It would have been nice to define the text field inline in its window definition, but we currently still need a variable so we can connect the text field (see next section).

Connecting components

Now that we have a text field (in a window) and somewhere to store the data, we need to connect these two components. Typically, this would involve defining some procedure(s), callback(s) or some extra-linguistics mechanism to mediate or define that connection. In Objective-S, we just connect the components:

   text → ref:s3:bucket1/msg.txt.
That's it.

The right-arrow "→" is a polymorphic connection "operator". The complete connection is actually significantly more complex:

  1. From a port of the source component
  2. To a role of the mediating connector compatible with that source port
  3. To a role of the mediating connector compatible with the target object's port
  4. To that compatible port of the target component
If you want, you can actually specify all these intermediate steps, but most of the time you don't have to, as the machinery can figure out what ports and roles are compatible. In this case, even the actual connector was determined automatically.

If we didn't want a remote S3 bucket, we could also have stored the data in a local file, for example:

   text → ref:file:/tmp/msg.txt.
That treats the file like a variable, replacing the entire contents of the file with the text that was entered. Speaking of variables, we could of course also store the text in a local variable:

   text → ref:var:message.
In our simple example that doesn't make a lot of sense because the variable isn't visible anywhere and will disappear once the script terminates, but in a larger application it could then trigger further processing.

Alternatively, we could also append the individual messages to a stream, for example to stdout:

   text → stdout.
So every time the user hits return in the text field, the content of the text field is written to the console. Or appended to a file, by connecting to the stream associated with the file rather the file reference itself:
   text → ref:file:/tmp/msg.txt outputStream.
This doesn't have to be a single stream sink, it can be a complex processing pipeline.

I hope this makes it clear, or at least strongly hints, that this is not the usual low-code/no-code trick of achieving compact code by creating super-specialised components and mechanisms that work well for a specific application, but immediately break down when pushed beyond the demo.

What it is instead is a new way of creating components, defining their interfaces and then gluing them together in a very straightforward fashion.

Eval/apply vs. connect and run

Having constructed our system by configuring and connecting components, what's left is running it. CLIApp is a subclass of NSApplication that knows how to run without an associated app wrapper or Info.plist file. It is actually instantiated by the stui script runner before the script is started, with the instance dropped into the app variable for the script.

This is where we leave our brave new world of connected components and return (or connect with) the call/return world, similar to the way Cocoa's auto-generated main with call to NSApplicationMain() works.

The difference between eval/apply (call/return) and connect/run is actually quite profound, but more on that in another post.

Of course, we didn't leave call/return behind, it is still present and useful for certain tasks, such as transforming an element into something slightly different. However, for constructing systems, having components that can be defined, configured and connected directly ("declaratively") is far superior to doing so procedurally, even than the fluent APIs that have recently popped up and that have been mislabeled as "declarative".

This project is turning out even better than I expected. I am stoked.

Monday, June 20, 2022

Blackbird: A reference architecture for local-first connected mobile apps

Wow, what a mouthful! Although this architecture has featured in a number of my other writings, I haven't really described it in detail by itself. Which is a shame, because I think it works really well and is quite simple, a case of Sophisticated Simplicity.

Why a reference architecture?

The motivation for creating and now presenting this reference architecture is that the way we build connected mobile apps is broken, and none of the proposed solutions appear to help. How are they broken? They are overly complex, require way too much code, perform poorly and are unreliable.

Very broadly speaking, these problems can be traced to the misuse of procedural abstraction for a problem-space that is broadly state-based, and can be solved by adapting a state-based architectural style such as in-process REST and combining it with well-known styles such as MVC.

More specifically, MVC has been misapplied by combining UI updates with the model updates, a practice that becomes especially egregious with asynchronous call-backs. In addition, data is pushed to the UI, rather than having the UI pull data when and as needed. Asynchronous code is modelled using call/return and call-backs, leading to call-back hell, needless and arduous transformation of any dependent code into asynchronous code (see "what color is your function") that is also much harder to read, discouraging appropriate abstractions.

Backend communication is also an issue, with newer async/await implementations not really being much of an improvement over callback-based ones, and arguably worse in terms of actual readability. (They seem readable, but what actually happens is different  enough that the simplicity is deceptive).


The overall architecture has four fundamental components:
  1. The model
  2. The UI
  3. The backend
  4. The persistence
The main objective of the architecture is to keep these components in sync with each other, so the whole thing somewhat resembles a control loop architecture: something disturbs the system, for example the user did something in the UI, and the system responds by re-establishing equilibrium.

The model is the central component, it connects/coordinates all the pieces and is also the only one directly connected to more than one piece. In keeping with hexagonal architecture, the model is also supposed to be the only place with significant logic, the remainder of the system should be as minimal, transparent and dumb as possible.

memory-model := persistence.
persistence  |= memory-model.
ui          =|= memory-model. 
backend     =|= memory-model.



Blackbird depends crucially on a number of architectural elements: first are stores of the in-process REST architectural style. These can be thought of as in-process HTTP servers (without the HTTP, of course) or composable dictionaries. The core store protocol implements the GET, PUT and DELETE verbs as messages.

The role of URLs in REST is taken by Polymorphic Identifiers. These are objects that can reference identify values in the store, but are not direct pointers. For example, they need to be a able to reference objects that aren't there yet.

Polymorphic Identifiers can be application-specific, for example they might consist just of a numeric id,


For me, the key part of the MVC architectural style is the decoupling of input processing and resultant output processing. That is, under MVC, the view (or a controller) make some change to the model and then processing stops. At some undefined later time (could be synchronous, but does not have to be) the Model informs the UI that it has changed using some kind of notification mechanism.

In Smalltalk MVC, this is a dependents list maintained in the model that interested views register with. All these views are then sent a #changed message when the model has changed. In Cocoa, this can be accomplished using NSNotificationCenter, but really any kind of broadcast mechanism will do.

It is then the views' responsibility to update themselves by interrogating the model.

For views, Cocoa largely automates this: on receipt of the notification, the view just needs invalidate itself, the system then automatically schedules it for redrawing the next time through the event loop.

The reason the decoupling is important to maintain is that the update notification can come for any other reason, including a different user interaction, a backend request completing or even some sort of notification or push event coming in remotely.

With the decoupled M-V update mechanism, all these different kinds of events are handled identically, and thus the UI only ever needs to deal with the local model. The UI is therefore almost entirely decoupled from network communications, we thus have a local-first application that is also largely testable locally.

Blackbird refines the MVC view update mechanism by adding the polymorphic identifier of the modified item in question and placing those PIs in a queue. The queue decouples model and view even more than in the basic MVC model, for example it become fairly trivial to make the queue writable from any thread, but empty only onto the main thread for view updates. In addition, providing update notifications is no longer synchronous, the updater just writes an entry into the queue and can then continue, it doesn't wait for the UI to finish its update.

Decoupling via a queue in this way is almost sufficient for making sure that high-speed model updates don't overwhelm the UI or slow down the model. Both these performance problems are fairly rampant, as an example of the first, the Microsoft Office installer saturates both CPUs on a dual core machine just painting its progress bar, because it massively overdraws.

An example of the second was one of the real performance puzzlers of my career: an installer that was extremely slow, despite both CPU and disk being mostly idle. The problem turned out to be that the developers of that installer not only insisted on displaying every single file name the installer was writing (bad enough), but also flushing the window to screen to make sure the user got a chance to see it (worse). This then interacted with a behavior of Apple's CoreGraphics, which disallows screen flushes at a rate greater than the screen refresh rate, and will simply throttle such requests. You really want to decouple your UI from your model updates and let the UI process updates at its pace.

Having polymorphic identifiers in the queue makes it possible for the UI to catch up on its own terms, and also to remove updates that are no longer relevant, for example discarding duplicate updates of the same element.

The polymorphic identifier can also be used by views in order to determine whether they need to update themselves, by matching against the polymorphic identifier they are currently handling.

Backend communication

Almost every REST backend communication code I have seen in mobile applications has created "convenient" cover methods for every operation of every endpoint accessed by the application, possibly automatically generated.

This ignores the fact that REST only has a few verbs, combined with a great number of identifiers (URLs). In Blackbird, there is a single channel for backend communication: a queue that takes a polymorphic identifier and an http verb. The polymorphic identifier is translated to a URL of the target backend system, the resulting request executed and when the result returns it is placed in the central store using the provided polymorphic identifier.

After the item has been stored, an MVC notification with the polymorphic identifier in question is enqueued as per above.

The queue for backend operations is essentially the same one we described for model-view communication above, for example also with the ability to deduplicate requests correctly so only the final version of an object gets sent if there are multiple updates. The remainder of the processing is performed in pipes-and-filters architectural style using polymorphic write streams.

If the backend needs to communicate with the client, it can send URLs via a socket or other mechanism that tells the client to pull that data via its normal request channels, implementing the same pull-constraint as in the rest of the system.

One aspect of this part of the architecture is that backend requests are reified and explicit, rather than implicitly encoded on the call-stack and its potentially asynchronous continuations. This means it is straightforward for the UI to give the user appropriate feedback for communication failures on the slow or disrupted network connections that are the norm on mobile networks, as well as avoid accidental duplicate requests.

Despite this extra visibility and introspection, the code required to implement backend communications is drastically reduced. Last not least, the code is isolated: network code can operate independently of the UI just as well as the UI can operate independently of the network code.


Persistence is handled by stacked stores (storage combinators).

The application is hooked up to the top of the storage stack, the CachingStore, which looks to the application exactly like the DictStore (an in-memory store). If a read request cannot be found in the cache, the data is instead read from disk, converted from JSON by a mapping store.

For testing the rest of the app (rather than the storage stack), it is perfectly fine to just use the in-memory store instead of the disk store, as it has the same interface and behaves the same, except being faster and non-persistent.

Writes use the same asynchronous queues as the rest of the system, with the writer getting the polymorphic identifiers of objects to write and then retrieving the relevant object(s) from the in-memory store before persisting. Since they use the same mechanism, they also benefit from the same uniquing properties, so when the I/O subsystem gets overloaded it will adapt by dropping redundant writes.


With the Blackbird reference architecture, we not only replace complex, bulky code with much less and much simpler code, we also get to reuse that same code in all parts of the system while making the pieces of the system highly independent of each other and optimising performance.

In addition, the combination of REST-like stores that can be composed with constraint- and event-based communication patterns makes the architecture highly decoupled. In essence it allows the kind of decoupling we see in well-implemented microservices architectures, but on mobile apps without having to run multiple processes (which is often not allowed).