Wednesday, February 20, 2019

An Unexpected Benefit of Uniform Interfaces

In the previous post, My Objective-Smalltalk Tipping Point: Scheme Handler for a Method Browser, I described how I had reached a point where Objective-Smalltalk code is just so much better than the equivalent Objective-C that the idea of porting back some Objective-Smalltalk to Objective-C in order to better integrate with the surrounding Objective-C code seems a bit abhorrent.

So instead I have chosen to just integrate the code into that Objective-C code base. So load the code:

NSData *classdefSchemeCode=[self frameworkResource:@"classdef-method-browser-scheme" category:@"stsh"];
[interpreter evaluateScriptString:[classdefSchemeCode stringValue]];

Then instantiate the class after finding it reflectively via NSClassFromString()
    self.methodStore = [NSClassFromString(@"ClassBrowser") store];

So far, so easy. Of course, the big problem with bridged code usually comes now: the compiler doesn't know about code loaded at runtime, so you need to somehow duplicate the class's interface and somehow convince the compiler that the newly loaded class conforms to that interface.

But wait! This is a scheme-handler, which is a store, meaning it doesn't really have any unique interface of its own, but rather just implements the MPWStorage protocol. So all I have to do is the following:

@property (nonatomic, strong)   id  methodStore;

And I'm good to go!

This is unexpected in two ways: first, the integration pain I was expecting just didn't appear. Happy. Second, and maybe more importantly, the benefit of uniform interfaces, which I thought should appear, actually did appear!

So very happy.

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