Saturday, March 15, 2014

The Siren Call of KVO and (Cocoa) Bindings

The Call of the Cool

I like bindings. I also like Key Value Observing. What they do is undeniably cool: you do some initial setup, and presto: magic! You change a value over here, and another value over there changes as well. Action at a distance. Power.

What they do is also undeniably valuable. I'd venture that nobody actually likes writing state maintenance and update code such as the following: when the user clicks this button, or finishes entering text in that textfield, take the value and put it over here. If the underlying value changes, update the textfield. If I modify this value, notify these clients that the value has changed so they can update themselves accordingly. That's boring. There is no glory in state maintenance code, just potential for failure when you screw up something this simple.

Finally, their implementation is also undeniably cool: observing an attribute of a generic object creates a private subclass for that object (who says we can't do prototype-based programming in Objective-C?), swizzles the object's class pointer to that private subclass and then replaces the attribute's (KVO-compliant) accessor methods with new ones that hook into the KVO system.

Despite these positives, I have actively removed bindings code from projects I have worked on, don't use either KVO or bindings myself and generally recommend staying away from them. Why on earth would I do that?

Excursion: Constraint Solvers

Before I can answer that question, I have to go back a little and talk about constraint solvers.

The idea of setting up relationships once and then having the system maintain them without manually shoveling values back and forth is not exactly new, the first variant I am aware of was Sketchpad, Ivan Sutherland's PhD Thesis from 1961/63 (here with narration by Alan Kay):
I still love Ivan's answer to the question as to how he could invent computer graphics, object orientation and constraint solving in one fell swoop: "I didn't know it was hard".

The first system I am aware of that integrated constraint solving with an object-oriented programming language was ThingLab, implemented on top of Smalltalk by Alan Borning at Xerox PARC around 1978 (where else...):

I really recommend having a look at the ThingLab papers, for example The Programming Language Aspects of ThingLab, a Constraint-Oriented Simulation Laboratory (pdf). Among the features ThingLab adds to Smalltalk are Paths, symbolic references to parts of an object.

While the definition of a paths is simple, the idea behind it has proved quite powerful and has been essential in allowing constraint- and object-oriented metaphors to be integrated. [..] The notion of a path helps strengthen [the distinction between inside and outside of an object] by providing a protected way for an object to provide external reference to its parts and subparts.
Yes, that's a better version of KVC. From 1981. Alan Borning's group at the University of Washington continued working on constraint solvers for many years, with the final result being the Cassowary linear constraint solver (based on the simplex algorithm) that was picked up by Apple for Autolayout. The papers on Cassowary and constraint hierarchies should help with understanding why Autolayout does what it does.

A simpler form of constraints are one-way dataflow constraints.

A one-way, dataflow constraint is an equation of the form y = f(x1,...,xn) in which the formula on the right side is automatically re-evaluated and assigned to the variable y whenever any variable xi. If y is modified from outside the constraint, the equation is left temporarily unsatisfied, hence the attribute “one-way”. Dataflow constraints are recognized as a powerful programming methodology in a variety of contexts because of their versatility and simplicity. The most widespread application of dataflow constraints is perhaps embodied by spreadsheets.
A group at CMU built enough of these systems that after using them for 10-15 years they were able to publish experience reports that are very much worth reading: Lessons Learned About One-Way, Dataflow Constraints in the Garnet and Amulet Graphical Toolkits (pdf) or the slightly more comprehensive Postscript version.

The most important lessons they found were the following:

  1. constraints should be allowed to contain arbitrary code that is written in the underlying toolkit language and does not require any annotations, such as parameter declarations
  2. constraints are difficult to debug and better debugging tools are needed
  3. programmers will readily use one-way constraints to specify the graphical layout of an application, but must be carefully and time-consumingly trained to use them for other purposes.
However, these really are just the headlines, and particularly for Cocoa programmers the actual reports are well worth reading as they contain many useful pieces of information that aren't included in the summaries.

Back to KVO and Cocoa Bindings

So what does this history lesson about constraint programming have to do with KVO and Bindings? You probably already figured it out: bindings are one-way dataflow constraints, specifically with the equation limited to y = x1. more complex equations can be obtained by using NSValueTransformers. KVO is more of an implicit invocation mechanism that is used primarily to build ad-hoc dataflow constraints.

The specific problems of the API and the implementation have been documented elsewhere, for example by Soroush Khanlou and Mike Ash, who not only suggested and implemented improvements back in 2008, but even followed up on them in 2012. All these problems and workarounds demonstrate that KVO and Bindings are very sophisticated, complex and error prone technologies for solving what is a simple and straightforward task: keeping data in sync.

To these implementation problems, I would add performance: even just adding the willChangeValueForKey: and didChangeValueForKey: message sends in your setter (these are usually added automagically for you) without triggering any notifications makes that setter 30 times slower (from 5ns to 150ns on my computer) than a simple setter that just sets and retains the object.

    [newFoo retain];
    [foo release];

    [self willChangeValueForKey:@"foo"];
    [newFoo retain];
    [foo release];
    [self didChangeValueForKey:@"foo"];

One of these is 30 times slower than the other

Actually having that access trigger a notification takes the penalty to a factor of over 100 ( 5ns vs over 540ns), even when there is only a single observer. I am pretty sure it gets worse when there are lots of observers (there used to be an O(n^3) algorithm in there, that was fortunately fixed a while ago). While 500ns may not seem a lot when dealing with UI code, KVO tends to be implemented at the model layer in such a way that a significant number of model data accesses incur at least the base penalties. For example KVO notifications were one of the primary reasons for NSOperationQueue's somewhat anemic performance back when we measured it for the Leopard release.

Not only is the constraint graph not available at run time, there is also no direct representation at coding time. All there is either code or IB settings that construct such a graph indirectly, so the programmer has to infer the graph from what is there and keep it in her head. There are also no formulae, the best we can do are ValueTransformers and keyPathsForValuesAffectingValueForKey.

As best as I can tell, the reason for this state of affairs is that there simply wasn't any awareness of the decades of research and practical experience with constraint solvers at the time (How do I know? I asked, the answer was "Huh?").

Anyway, when you add it all up, my conclusion is that while I would really, really, really like a good constraint solving system (at least for spreadsheet constraints), KVO and Bindings are not it. They are too simplistic, too fragile and solve too little of the actual problem to be worth the trouble. It is easier to just write that damn state maintenance code, and infinitely easier to debug it.

I think one of the main communication problems between advocates for and critics of KVO/Bindings is that the advocates are advocating more for the concept of constraint solving, whereas critics are critical of the implementation. How can these critics not see that despite a few flaws, this approach is obviously The Right Thing™? How can the advocates not see the obvious flaws?

Functional Reactive Programming

As far as I can tell, Functional Reactive Programming (FRP) in general and Reactive Cocoa in particular are another way of scratching the same itch.

[..] is an integration of declarative [..] and imperative object-oriented programming. The primary goal of this integration is to use constraints to express relations among objects explicitly -- relations that were implicit in the code in previous languages.
Sounds like FRP, right? Well, the first "[..]" part is actually "Constraint Imperative Programming" and the second is "constraints", from the abstract of a 1994 paper. Similarly, I've seen it stated that FRP is like a spreadsheet. The connection between functional programming and constraint programming is also well known and documented in the literature, for example the experience report above states the following:
Since constraints are simply functional programming dressed up with syntactic sugar, it should not be surprising that 1) programmers do not think of using constraints for most programming tasks and, 2) programmers require extensive training to overcome their procedural instincts so that they will use constraints.
However, you wouldn't be able to tell that there's a relationship there from reading the FRP literature, which focuses exclusively on the connection to functional programming via functional reactive animations and Microsoft's Rx extensions. Explaining and particularly motivating FRP this way has the fundamental problem that whereas functional programming, which is per definition static/timeless/non-reactive, really needs something to become interactive, reactivity is already inherent in OO. In fact, reactivity is the quintessence of objects: all computation is modeled as objects reacting to messages.

So adding reactivity to an object-oriented language is, at first blush, non-sensical and certainly causes confusion when explained this way. I was certainly confused, because until I found this one paper on reactive imperative programming, which adds constraints to C++ in a very cool and general way, none of the documentation, references or papers made the connection that seemed so blindingly obvious to me. I was starting to question my own sanity.


Additionally, one-way dataflow constraints creating relationships between program variables can, as far as I can tell, always be replaced by a formulation where the dependent variable is simply replaced by a method that computes the value on-demand. So instead of setting up a constraint between point1.x and point2.x, you implement point2.x as a method that uses point1.x to compute its value and never stores that value. Although this may evaluate more often than necessary rather than memoizing the value and computing just once, the additional cost of managing constraint evaluation is such that the two probably balance.

However, such an implementation creates permanent coupling and requires dedicated classes for each relationship. Constraints thus become more of an architectural feature, allowing existing, usually stateful components to be used together without having to adapt each component for each individual ensemble it is a part of.

Panta Rhei

Everything flows, so they say. As far as I can tell, two different communities, the F(R)P people and the OO people came up with very similar solutions based on data flow. The FP people wanted to become more reactive/interactive, and achieved this by modeling time as sequence numbers in streams of values, sort of like Lucid or other dataflow languages.

The OO people wanted to be able to specify relationships declaratively and have their system figure out the best way to satisfy those constraints, with a large and useful subset of those constraints falling into the category of the one-way dataflow constraints that, at least to my eye, are equivalent to FRP. In fact, this sort of state maintenance and update-propagation pops up in lots of different places, for example makefiles or other build systems, web-server generators, publication workflows etc. ("this OmniGraffle diagram embedded as a PDF into this LaTeX document that in turn becomes a PDF document" -> the final PDF should update automatically when I change the diagram, instead of me having to save the diagram, export it to PDF and then re-run LaTeX).

What's kind of funny is that these two groups seem to have converged in essentially the same space, but they seem to not be aware of each other, maybe they are phase-shifted with respect to each other? Part of that phase-shift is, again, communication. The FP guys couch everything in must destroy all humans er state rethoric, which doesn't do much to convince OO guys who know that for most of their programs, state isn't an implementation detail but fundamental to their applications. Also practical experience does not support the idea that the FP approach is obvious:

Unfortunately, given the considerable amount of time required to train students to use constraints in a non-graphical manner, it does not seem reasonable to expect that constraints will ever be widely used for purposes other than graphical layout. In retrospect this result should not have been surprising. Business people readily use constraints in spreadsheets because constraints match their mental model of the world. Similarly, we have found that students readily use constraints for graphical layout since constraints match their mental model of the world, both because they use constraints, such as left align or center, to align objects in drawing editors, and because they use constraints to specify the layout of objects in precision paper sketches, such as blueprints. However, in their everyday lives, students are much more accustomed to accomplishing tasks using an imperative set of actions rather than using a declarative set of actions.
Of course there are other groups hanging out in this convergence zone, for example the Unix folk with their pipes and filters. That is also not too surprising if you look at the history:
So, we were all ready. Because it was so easy to compose processes with shell scripts. We were already doing that. But, when you have to decorate or invent the name of intermediate files and every function has to say put your file there. And the next one say get your input from there. The clarity of composition of function, which you perceived in your mind when you wrote the program, is lost in the program. Whereas the piping symbol keeps it. It's the old thing about notations are important.
I think the familiarity with Unix pipes also increases the itch: why can't I have that sort of thing in my general purpose programming language? Especially when it can lead to very concise programs, such as the Quartz-like graphics subsystem Gezira written in under 400 lines of code using the Nile dataflow language.

Moving Forward

I too have heard the siren sing. I also think that a more spreadsheet-like programming model would not just make my life as a developer easier, it might also make software more approachable for end-user adaptation and tinkering, contributing to a more meaningful version of open source. But how do we get there? Apart from a reasonable implementation and better debuggingsupport, a new system would need much tighter language integration. Preferably there would be a direct syntax for expressing constraints such as that available in constraint imperative programming languages or constraint extensions to existing languages like Ruby or JavaScript. This language support should be unified as much as possible between different constraint systems, not one mechanism for Autolayout and a completely different one for Bindings.

Supporting constraint programming has always been one of the goals of my Objective-Smalltalk project, and so far that has informed the PolymorphicIdentifiers that support a uniform interface for data backed by different types of stores, including one or more constraint stores supporting cooperating solvers, filesystems or web-sites. More needs to be done, such as extending the data-flow connector hierarchy to conceptually integrate constraints. The idea is to create a language that does not actually include constraints in its core, but rather provides sufficient conceptual, expressive and implementation flexibility to allow users to add such a facility in a non-ad-hoc way so that it is fully integrated into the language once added. I am not there yet, but all the results so far are very promising. The architectural focus of Objective-Smalltalk also ties in well with the architectural interpretation of constraints.

There is a lot to do, but on the other hand I think the payback is huge, and there is also a large body of existing theoretical, practical and empirical groundwork to fall back on, so I think the task is doable. Your feedback, help and pull requests would be very much appreciated!

Discussion on Hacker News.

Update: I finally have some code and a brief article discussing it.

1 comment:

  1. Great post. Reactjs seems to follow Alan Borning's original plan.
